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Sea Teacher Batch 8 in Mariano Marcos State University Philippines

Friday, 4 October 2019

Pedagogical Contents

Pedagogical Contents
1.    Teaching Methods

The learning method used at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School especially in grades IV, V, and VI is a student-center, because the teacher does not only explain the learning material but allows students to be active through questions and answers, discussions, individual assignments and group work. The teacher only briefly explains the material by displaying videos or writing the material on the board after it forms a group for discussion and work on the assignment. Before teaching, the teacher prepares lesson plans and learning media so that learning is more interesting. The learning method practiced by teachers is in accordance with the applicable curriculum in the Philippines, namely the K-12 Curriculum.

2.    Learning Materials and Innovation
Teachers at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School pay attention to the material that will be given by students, so that at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School has a lot of learning materials such as books available in the library as well. In the Philippines, books used by teachers are still separated based on subject matter, such as Mathematics, Science, English, Filipino, MAPEH, and so on. In delivering the material, besides using learning materials from books, the teacher also complements the material from the internet and develops learning media so that students are interested in the material taught by the teacher.

3.    Sources of Learning and Technology

Based on the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines which requires teachers to be creative and innovative, so teachers use the learning materials that are owned by the school library to teach because some textbooks in the library are published by the government. In addition, the teacher also prepares learning media that follows the development of technology such as displaying videos or music that is displayed using LCD projectors and sound systems for

4.    Authentic Assessment

Assessments used by teachers variative, the teacher assesses students based on cognitive like when students succeed in answering questions from the teacher, doing assignments and correct when answering the quiz, the teacher will give a grade. Besides the teacher also observes the attitude of students when the learning process by assessing the affective students. Finally, when students present the results of the discussion the teacher will give a psychomotor value. The teacher will give grades to students according to what students have done.

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