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Sea Teacher Batch 8 in Mariano Marcos State University Philippines

Friday, 4 October 2019

Summary and Suggestions

Summary and Suggestions

1.  Purposes of Practicum
    a. To develop teaching skills in other countries
    b. To get teaching experience in another country
    c. To find out the learning system in other countries
    d. To share knowledge and culture with other countries
    e. To develop English speaking skills and learn other languages ​​from the country
    f.  To exchange opinions on methods, strategies and media with teachers in the  

2.  Procedures of Practicum
        a.  Following the Selection Procedure from SEAMEO
           1) Fill out the registration form
           2) Interview with the recipient campus
           3) Training
        b. Following the Preparation Procedure from the Origin University
           1) Preparation of an interview with the receiving campus
           2) English preparation
           3) Preparation of cultural performances from Indonesia (dance)
           4)  Preparation for creating a blog
           5)  Preparation of microteaching
      c. Following Procedures from Receiving University and Internship Schools
         1) First week for orientation and class observation
         2) Second week for teaching assistant
         3) Third week for teaching practice in classroom
         4) Fourth week for reflection and demo teaching in classroom

3.  Outcomes of Practicum
From practicum I gained a lot of experience and new knowledge. I can observe when teachers teach in the Philippines which is different from in Indonesia. So that I can make a good example to be practiced in Indonesia. Every day and every time using English makes my English speaking skills develop, I get a lot of new vocabulary. I am very happy because it is welcomed by the teacher and students so that I feel comfortable when speaking and teaching students in class. Although our English accents are different, but I can adjust to students when teaching so that cultural differences are not a barrier to continue to do good. I share my knowledge about teaching and sharing curricula in Indonesia with teachers in the Philippines, so that it can be a very memorable experience and will not be forgotten.

4.  The Challenges of Practicum
The challenges while joining this program are languages. Because different English accents sometimes make it difficult to interpret, but over time it can be overcome. In addition, when they use their local language it is not fully understood even though there are several words that are similar to Indonesian, but from this problem I can learn their local language so that I can add new language vocabulary.

5.  Overall Impression
Overall, I am very fortunate and thank God Almighty for granting my prayers to take part in this program that I have dreamed of. In addition, I thank SEAMEO for organizing this program so that it can give me the opportunity to follow it. Do not forget, I thank my family and friends who have provided support and always pray for the best for me. Finally, I thank Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University, Mariano Marcos State University, and the MMSU Laboratory Elementary School for accepting me to take part in the program, provide training and take care of me while in the Philippines. Lots of experience and learning that I get because this is my first experience to teach abroad so that I will always remember and practice in Indonesia.

6.  Suggestions for Future Improvement
a.  For Mariano Marcos State University and Laboratory Elementary School MMSU
Your service to me is very good, you take care and always provide solutions when I get into trouble. I also really appreciate your excellent English and want to appreciate the differences in accent and culture from Indonesia. You can take good learning from me and practice it in the Philippines, such as culture, learning strategies or methods and media that I practice.
b.  For SEAMEO
The program that you are holding is very good and I hope that this program will continue and the program time can be even longer, so that more Indonesian students have experience so that they can advance education in Indonesia. Always success for SEAMEO.

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