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Sea Teacher Batch 8 in Mariano Marcos State University Philippines

Friday, 4 October 2019

Observation on teachers

Observation on teachers

1.  Planning for Teaching
The teacher will prepare lesson plans, assignments and media before starting to teach in class. In addition, the teacher prepares learning resources from books and the internet as a complement to deliver the material. If the teacher will display media in the form of video then the teacher also prepares a laptop, sound system and LCD projector.

2.  Preparing Lesson and Materials
Before teaching in class, teachers look for learning resources from books and the internet and study the material, and make assignments for group or individual work and make quizzes and evaluations to give to students.

3.  Teaching in Class
The steps of learning undertaken by the teacher are first the teacher gives greetings to students and checks the presence of students, after that the teacher reviews the previous learning, then the teacher gives motivation to students related to the material to be delivered. The next step is the teacher starts explaining the material by conducting question and answer to students related to the material and then giving assignments to the students, if there is an experiment assignment, the students prepare the experiment material and the teacher guides students to conduct the experiment by conducting question and answer and students are active in answering questions from the teacher. Finally the teacher gives an evaluation or homework to students.

4.  Measurement and Evaluation

To measure and evaluate students' understanding of the material, the teacher gives quizzes, worksheets, group assignments, individual assignments, weakly tests, midterm examinations and final examinations.

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