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Sea Teacher Batch 8 in Mariano Marcos State University Philippines

Friday, 4 October 2019

Summary and Suggestions

Summary and Suggestions

1.  Purposes of Practicum
    a. To develop teaching skills in other countries
    b. To get teaching experience in another country
    c. To find out the learning system in other countries
    d. To share knowledge and culture with other countries
    e. To develop English speaking skills and learn other languages ​​from the country
    f.  To exchange opinions on methods, strategies and media with teachers in the  

2.  Procedures of Practicum
        a.  Following the Selection Procedure from SEAMEO
           1) Fill out the registration form
           2) Interview with the recipient campus
           3) Training
        b. Following the Preparation Procedure from the Origin University
           1) Preparation of an interview with the receiving campus
           2) English preparation
           3) Preparation of cultural performances from Indonesia (dance)
           4)  Preparation for creating a blog
           5)  Preparation of microteaching
      c. Following Procedures from Receiving University and Internship Schools
         1) First week for orientation and class observation
         2) Second week for teaching assistant
         3) Third week for teaching practice in classroom
         4) Fourth week for reflection and demo teaching in classroom

3.  Outcomes of Practicum
From practicum I gained a lot of experience and new knowledge. I can observe when teachers teach in the Philippines which is different from in Indonesia. So that I can make a good example to be practiced in Indonesia. Every day and every time using English makes my English speaking skills develop, I get a lot of new vocabulary. I am very happy because it is welcomed by the teacher and students so that I feel comfortable when speaking and teaching students in class. Although our English accents are different, but I can adjust to students when teaching so that cultural differences are not a barrier to continue to do good. I share my knowledge about teaching and sharing curricula in Indonesia with teachers in the Philippines, so that it can be a very memorable experience and will not be forgotten.

4.  The Challenges of Practicum
The challenges while joining this program are languages. Because different English accents sometimes make it difficult to interpret, but over time it can be overcome. In addition, when they use their local language it is not fully understood even though there are several words that are similar to Indonesian, but from this problem I can learn their local language so that I can add new language vocabulary.

5.  Overall Impression
Overall, I am very fortunate and thank God Almighty for granting my prayers to take part in this program that I have dreamed of. In addition, I thank SEAMEO for organizing this program so that it can give me the opportunity to follow it. Do not forget, I thank my family and friends who have provided support and always pray for the best for me. Finally, I thank Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University, Mariano Marcos State University, and the MMSU Laboratory Elementary School for accepting me to take part in the program, provide training and take care of me while in the Philippines. Lots of experience and learning that I get because this is my first experience to teach abroad so that I will always remember and practice in Indonesia.

6.  Suggestions for Future Improvement
a.  For Mariano Marcos State University and Laboratory Elementary School MMSU
Your service to me is very good, you take care and always provide solutions when I get into trouble. I also really appreciate your excellent English and want to appreciate the differences in accent and culture from Indonesia. You can take good learning from me and practice it in the Philippines, such as culture, learning strategies or methods and media that I practice.
b.  For SEAMEO
The program that you are holding is very good and I hope that this program will continue and the program time can be even longer, so that more Indonesian students have experience so that they can advance education in Indonesia. Always success for SEAMEO.

Observation on teachers

Observation on teachers

1.  Planning for Teaching
The teacher will prepare lesson plans, assignments and media before starting to teach in class. In addition, the teacher prepares learning resources from books and the internet as a complement to deliver the material. If the teacher will display media in the form of video then the teacher also prepares a laptop, sound system and LCD projector.

2.  Preparing Lesson and Materials
Before teaching in class, teachers look for learning resources from books and the internet and study the material, and make assignments for group or individual work and make quizzes and evaluations to give to students.

3.  Teaching in Class
The steps of learning undertaken by the teacher are first the teacher gives greetings to students and checks the presence of students, after that the teacher reviews the previous learning, then the teacher gives motivation to students related to the material to be delivered. The next step is the teacher starts explaining the material by conducting question and answer to students related to the material and then giving assignments to the students, if there is an experiment assignment, the students prepare the experiment material and the teacher guides students to conduct the experiment by conducting question and answer and students are active in answering questions from the teacher. Finally the teacher gives an evaluation or homework to students.

4.  Measurement and Evaluation

To measure and evaluate students' understanding of the material, the teacher gives quizzes, worksheets, group assignments, individual assignments, weakly tests, midterm examinations and final examinations.

Teaching Practice

Teaching Practice

1.  Procedures of Teaching
a.  Preliminary Activities
1)  Greetings
2)  Check attendant list
3)  Ask the news of students
4)  Review the previous lessons
b.  New Lesson
1)  Give motivation for students
2)  Presentation a new subject
3)  Explaining
4)  Asking and answering the questions
5)  Make a group work
6)  Give a worksheet for students
7)  Discussion with group work
8)  Generalization
9)  Application
c.   Evaluation
d.  Give a homework
e.  Thanks Greetings

2.  Time Management and Organizing Activities
I was given one section to teach which was equivalent to one hour (60 Minutes) and the subject I would teach was science for grades IV and VI. The following are time management and organizing activities
a.  Preliminary Activities: 5 minutes
b.  Motivation: 5 minutes
c.   Presentation a new subject: 15 minutes
d.  Discussion: 20 minutes
e.  Generalization: 5 minutes
f.    Application: 5 minutes
g.  Evaluation: 5 minutes

3.  Problem-Solving

The problem solving that I give to students through worksheets that are worked in groups so that students can discuss problems with their peers, after that students present the results of the discussion and compare their answers with other groups. In this case, I want students to be active in finding knowledge based on experience gained through group work so that the material obtained will be meaningful to students.

4. Classroom Management
At Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School the time given for one time teaching is only 60 minutes for one subject section, so the time is very short to convey new material obtained by students. Therefore, I must condition students to remain calm and focused to keep listening to the material I describe, as a motivation for students to stay focused and active I provide caracter stamps for students who actively answer questions from me, it is useful for students to listen to the material with seriously because students are motivated to get rewards from me. When I teach classes IV and VI, students are very active and enthusiastic to answer questions from me and understand the material that I submit.

Teaching Plan

Teaching Plan

1.  Curriculum
The curriculum used at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School is the K-12 Curriculum Basic Education Program. K-12 curriculum is a curriculum provided by the Philippine government to be implemented in schools in the Philippines, especially at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School.

2.  Teaching Plan Related to My Major
Teaching plans related to my major, namely Primary School Teacher Education are based on Curriculum K-12. In order for learning to active and structured it must prepare a learning plan in advance, the structure of the contents of the learning plan in accordance with Curriculum K-12 is to include objectives, subject matter, scientific attitudes, evaluation, assignment and so forth. At Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School I teach 4 time as much as 3 time in class IV and 1 time in grade VI. I will attach a lesson plan that I made below :


Grade : IV
Subject : Science 
Topic : Measuring 
Time to Teach : 60 Minutes 


Grade : IV
Subject : Science 
Topic : Inferring
Time to Teach : 60 Minutes 

TEACHING 3 (Final Demo) 

Grade : IV
Subject : Science 
Topic : Communicating
Time to Teach : 60 Minutes 


Grade : VI
Subject : Science 
Topic : Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
Time to Teach : 60 Minutes 

Pedagogical Contents

Pedagogical Contents
1.    Teaching Methods

The learning method used at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School especially in grades IV, V, and VI is a student-center, because the teacher does not only explain the learning material but allows students to be active through questions and answers, discussions, individual assignments and group work. The teacher only briefly explains the material by displaying videos or writing the material on the board after it forms a group for discussion and work on the assignment. Before teaching, the teacher prepares lesson plans and learning media so that learning is more interesting. The learning method practiced by teachers is in accordance with the applicable curriculum in the Philippines, namely the K-12 Curriculum.

2.    Learning Materials and Innovation
Teachers at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School pay attention to the material that will be given by students, so that at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School has a lot of learning materials such as books available in the library as well. In the Philippines, books used by teachers are still separated based on subject matter, such as Mathematics, Science, English, Filipino, MAPEH, and so on. In delivering the material, besides using learning materials from books, the teacher also complements the material from the internet and develops learning media so that students are interested in the material taught by the teacher.

3.    Sources of Learning and Technology

Based on the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines which requires teachers to be creative and innovative, so teachers use the learning materials that are owned by the school library to teach because some textbooks in the library are published by the government. In addition, the teacher also prepares learning media that follows the development of technology such as displaying videos or music that is displayed using LCD projectors and sound systems for

4.    Authentic Assessment

Assessments used by teachers variative, the teacher assesses students based on cognitive like when students succeed in answering questions from the teacher, doing assignments and correct when answering the quiz, the teacher will give a grade. Besides the teacher also observes the attitude of students when the learning process by assessing the affective students. Finally, when students present the results of the discussion the teacher will give a psychomotor value. The teacher will give grades to students according to what students have done.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

MMSU Laboratory Elementary School

School: General Information and Academic Administration

The Mariano Marcos State University - Laboratory Elementary School, Laoag City

Student Teacher Name :
Matis Iga Raspati
Home University :
Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Receiving University :
Mariano Marcos State University, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Receiving School :
MMSU Laboratory Elementary School, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

1.    School Profile
School Name : Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School (MMSU-LES)
Location         : Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Principal         : Jovenita A. Aragon

Laboratory Elementary School was established on 1919 along with its mother institution, the Laoag Normal School. The school data was only available in 1926 Laboratory Elementary School has proven to be the center of quality learning at where pupils are developed to become responsible citizens and commendable leaders in the community and country.
The Mariano Marcos State University - Laboratory Elementary School, Laoag City Campus is situated within the campus of Mariano Marcos State University- College of Teacher Education on its eastern part at Barangay. 5, Castro Avenue, Laoag City.

The Laboratory Elementary School endeavours to become the lead elementary school in the region.

The Laboratory Elementary School supports the College of Teacher Education mission to provide quality instruction in teacher education by serving as a laboratory for the training of the quality teacher professionals. Hand in hand, it endeavours to become a leader in elementary instruction in the region.

  1. To fulfil its mission, the LES seeks to attain the following goals :
  2. Provide quality on-campus teaching experiences for fourth year BEED students.
  3. Implement the Basic Education Curriculum as Prescribed by the Departmentof Education.
  4. Provide for the development of students and teachers and pupils sounds, values, attitudes, leadership capabilities, talents, and skills through its co-curricular program and projects.
  5. Conduct researches to improve teaching and learning process.
  6. Work harmoniously with the PTCA and other agencies for the improvement and development for the entire school.
  7. Extended for the improvement for the quality of life in the community
2.    Academic Support System
All the classrooms are conducive place of learning. Classrooms are equipped with air conditioner and ceiling fans for ventilation and luminous lamps for lightings. There are whiteboard for every classroom which are used as a substitute for a chalk board in order. It is also equipped with a state-of-the-art projector which will be used in integrating ICT on teaching and learning process. Each room is equipped with an elevated stage wherein the teacher can stay during discussion for a greater height to look after the class up to the last row at the back. 
The school canteen is located at the northern part of the basketball court at the rear portion of the stage. This is where the teachers and pupils buy their food.
The computer room and guidance office is located at the northwest part of the basketball court; it is on the western side of the Home Economics room. The computer room is equipped with set of computer units .The room is well ventilated and equipped with air-conditioning and fully carpeted flooring. The guidance office is beside the computer room. This office serves its purpose at its best. This is the room where conflicts and problems regarding the concerns of the pupils were settled headed by the assigned guidance counsellor of the said school.

The school clinic is located at the first floor of the high school building. The clinic serves as the whole clinic of MMSU-CTE, Laboratory High School and Laboratory Elementary. The school clinic offers medications and prescription of medicines for all the members of the MMSU Laoag family.
The clinic is equipped with materials to be used for medication as well as for dental services. There is a free charge of services and consultation as well as supply of medicines.
The library is located at the elementary school building. The place is equipped with different educational books for researches, assignments and lessons. The library serves as the place where pupils usually stay to study their lessons. The room is constructed with wide windows at the eastern part in order to allow sunlight in order to conserve energy as well as to allow fresh air to enter the room for ventilation.
The Principal’s Office is also situated at the elementary school building, beside the school library. The office is air conditioned to make the place conducive in responding to the services they can extend to all the concerned personnel that they will serve.

The school ground constitutes a basketball court, volleyball court and a stage. The ground is located in front of the elementary building facing west. The basketball court serves as an extension ground of the stage. The court has two basketball posts wherein the pupils used to play during their free time. The court also serves as a quadrangle where pupils stay whenever there are programs and they are using the stage.
The volleyball court is also an extension of the playground of the school. It is located at the western part of the basketball court. The volleyball court is covered with mango trees on the eastern part and an umbrella tree on the western part. The volleyball court also serves as a tennis court for the post for the volleyball net is also used as a post for lawn tennis net.
The stage is at the northern part of the basketball court. This serves as the main stage for every program being held on the school. On the eastern side of the stage is the audio room where the control system for sounds and music takes place.

3.    Teaching System
The teaching system at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School is student-centered, where students are more active in learning through the question and answer method that teachers always give before teachers deliver learning material. If there are other students who do not understand it will be explained again by a friend who understands better, besides that students also find their own learning concepts through experiments.

4.    Materials and Other Learning Sources
Materials and other learning sources at Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School are provided a lot to students. Before learning the teacher makes a lesson plan as a teaching and learning plan that will be implemented, after that the teacher prepares a book containing the material and looks for other sources of material from the internet. The teacher also uses teaching aids to explain material related to daily life and the teacher displays videos, powerpoint presentations, and picture books as media. After that at the end of learning students are given an assignment on a worksheet.

5.    Measurement and Evaluation System
Measurement and evaluation system in Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School based on K-12 Curriculum. In the Philippines has two examination for measurement and evaluation there are a midterm examination and final examination. But, The teachers can give a assignment, quiz or weekly test for measure and evaluate student’s knowledge.

6.    Curriculum
Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory Elementary School used a curriculum based on K-12 Curriculum or K to 12 Basic Education Program. K-12 is curriculum from goverments in the Philippines.

7.    Teaching Plan
The teacher must be prepared teaching plan before the learning process. In the teaching plan must be student-centered so that learning is made creative, innovative, and fun in accordance with student characteristics.